Month: May 2015
New Drama Clubs start
Taleena and I are starting new Dramaclubs on Dramafever.
Dramafever VDC : The Hong Sisters
Taleena and I and the rest of the Dramafever Drama Club talk all things Hong Sisters as we enjoy the beginning of Jeju Island Gatsby (Warm and Cozy).
Big Bang cracking us up in photoshop
There are no words to describe the awesomeness of this photo shopped picture. You will just have to see this hilarity for yourself.
SHINee doesn’t disappoint
SHINee released their newest video to their new album “Odd” just a couple hours ago and I have to say that I’m very happy with it. Its a fun, upbeat dance piece and it just makes me happy when I listen to it. So, here’s some fun and some great dance moves with their…