Not quite the target audience.

I was watching a new video today.    Key from Shinee and WooHyun from  Infinate collaborated on a new mini album called Toheart.   Since I love both groups, I happily clicked to watch the first video from the album.  It didn’t take me long to realize……  wow, I’m so not the targeted age group.  ROFL!

This adorable video is clearly aimed at the teen crowd.   As a DJ, I’d play this in any junior high/middle school dance.  I really liked the 1950’s feel to the sets and wardrobe.  There was such an innocence to this whole video that I even commented on youtube:  “Are they even old enough to shave? ”

This video however, did remind me that being older, I don’t necessarily respond to certain videos the way the target audience is expected to respond because, after all, I’m not the target audience.  I’ll give you a few examples of this.

Super Junior  “Sexy Free and Single”

Undoubtedly Super Junior is comprised of some seriously handsome young men.  Their songs tend to be aimed at the High School/College age group.  And while I love the eye candy and excellent dancing afforded in this video, as a single woman my age,  I hear that chorus and I think, “Jerk! Thanks for the warning!”.  *chuckles*  The lyrics themselves are are on the clean side, which is what I love about kpop, but the message of the chorus to my jaded dating ears is “Its all about me and let me use you for the night”.   While a 20 year old girl might be open to these lines just because the guy is cute,  not so much for me since I know these type of guys aren’t worth my time.

The next example is  Gdragon’s  Michigo.

This song has no redeeming quality whatsoever.   My DJ response is “meh”.   Its a club song, and not even a very clever club song.   I’ll talk about the lyrics in just a moment.   Every artist has two types of songs.  There is the music they make when they are using all their creativity, and then there are those songs you just do because you know they are going to make money.  This song is a cheap example of this.  This song probably took Gdragon all of an hour to think up and I’m probably being generous at that.

Now to the lyrics and video content….  This is a very imaginative video.   All of Gdragon’s videos are.   However, the first time I saw this I couldn’t understand why there were so many groin innuendos in it.  And not even sexy groin innuendos, just blatant, in your face, look at my size innuendos.   Pink elephant between his legs,  big hands and feet,  dancing in a urinal,  getting spanked by mom and dad, getting worked over by the embarrassed doctor….ehem.   Yeah…   Curious, I then went and looked up the lyrics.   Oh….its about a guy wanting his willie jerked all night long.   Lovely.    If I was 20 years old, I would have probably swooned and thought how beautiful and sexy Gdragon is, because lets face it, the boy has a very pretty face.   Being twice that age…  *evil chuckles*  I had a very different response.   I watched the video again and started laughing.   There is only one question I have after watching this video….. who got laughed at?   This is a male compensation video if there EVER was one.   Now, I’m not saying that Gdragon would have been the one laughed at (giving the idol the benefit of the doubt)   …. but clearly somebody on that production team was feeling insecure.  lol

Being a Kpop fan is fun.  Fun music, fun videos,  the artists themselves are usually humble and nice, which is a nice switch from the blantant meglomania of some american artists.  But it also comes with a lot of humor because I’m not a teenager and so I’m going to respond a little differently on occasion then what is intended.

I will end this post with my favorite Kpop song that is all eye candy, good music and excellent dancing.






Getting a Man to like Kdramas

I had a lot of fun this last week introducing a friend of mine to Kdramas.  He’s a manly sort of guy,  likes his southern rock,  works as a welder, not the sort you’d think would at first want to even watch a show with pretty men in it. lol

However, when I found out that he liked anime, I realized, I had an opening.  Considering his age, close to mine, and his manly man type of nature, I suggested that he might really like a show called Gentleman’s Dignity.


Why was this my first suggestion?

The easy answer is that this is a clever drama that caters to those of us who count as Gen X’ers.   This drama is also told from the perspectives of the 4 men.   Yes, you get some of what the ladies are going through too, but only in regards to how it impacts the men.

I love this drama.  Its one of my all time favorites.  The little vignettes before each episode  are mostly about things that are quirks for men, but they are all age related.  For a woman our age, we all know men like these four and I laughed and laughed.  When they made fun of things that pertained to anyone our age, I laughed even harder.   When the men  hurt, you hurt with them, this was also true for my male friend.


He liked the different female characters when they were tough and when they were cute.  He really identified with Jang Dong Gun’s character Do Jin.   He liked that he was a take charge type of character that knew what he liked, what he wanted and kept working towards it.   The charcter of Yi Soo,  Do Jin’s love interest, quickly got on my friend’s nerves, ( “He should drop her and keep walking)  but he still kept watching.    He liked that Do Jin was an alpha male type of character and he really identified with him when Colin shows up to complicate the story.   When Do Jin cried  at the idea of losing Yi Soo my friend’s response was , “Oh sh*t, he’s crying!”.

He also liked the character of Kim Dong Hyeob played by Kim Woo Bin.  He starts off as a trouble maker, but then you find out that he’s in a tough situation just trying to do his best and you can’t help but respect the kid.

What it all boils down to is finding something that peaks your guys interest.  I went for an age related comedy, you might have a guy who likes action more, so maybe City Hunter or Iris  or Two Weeks might be a good suggestion.   If nothing else, have him try Gentleman’s Dignity and see if he likes it.

I leave you with the text I got after he finished it:

“I liked it. As Korean shows..a bit too dramatic and not the right kind of communication but all in all, I really enjoyed it. They love American culture that is for sure. I would love to dress like those guys in some case..I cant wear turquoise or white pants tho.”




In Praise of Second Bananas

Sometimes I am watching a K-Drama and I just can’t help but yell at the screen, “What are you doing! You clearly should choose the second banana!” K-Dramas thrive on making their leads cry with broken hearts and the aching possibility that someone else may steal away the loves of their lives. If the lead hero is not being driven away by evil relatives or suffering from a brain tumor, a second banana is there to make the lead work to secure his love. Sometimes, though, the main lead is not right for the heroine. Why do you choose the young pretty boy over the hunkalicious CEO who will give you a giant rock? Why aren’t you choosing the sweet playboy who is reforming his ways for you? Weh? WEH? WEH?! Aigoo.
Sometimes you love the second banana AND the lead. If second bananas are REALLY lucky there is another person calling them “Oppa” at the end of the series. Sometimes though, they are left crying sadly until they are cast as lead banana in your next drama. Here are six supporting leads we were hoping had a shot at the girl. You can’t help but cheer them on, even though they are trying to rival Pretty Lee Min Ho:
1. Yun Ji Hu in Boys Over Flowers.fireman

“One will be your soul mate, the other your husband.” Never has a fortune teller had more chilling words for a heroine. Poor, lucky Jan Di she got Ji Hu and Pretty Lee Min Ho, I mean, Jun Pyo.
2. Lee Joon Gi as Seo Jung Woo in My Girlsnowglobe

This second banana made all the right moves. He used his words. He led her to his many stepped thinking spot. He played his hand as well as he could, but there is just no beating your good looking cousin with dibs and a snow globe.
3. Kang Ha-Nuel as Jung Sun Woo in Monstar.Cello

He’s handsome, rich, smart, carries a torch for Min Se-Yi for years, and plays cello so smooth and fine I had to go take lessons. Maybe if I play cello too he’ll come duet Nocturne with me. Luckily a certain gangster’s daughter with a rocking set of pipes will make him some sweet fashions and soothe his sad heart.
4. It’s an embarrassment of riches for Park Min Young in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. While I don’t fault her for choosing charismatic Park Yoo Chun (with a beard – mrrrrow!), a corner of my heart cheered on Song Joong Ki’s mischievous smile. Frootloops
5. Lee Tae Seong as Bong Joon Gu in Playful Kiss.noodles

Oh Ha Ni should be commended for her tenacity but Joon Gu would have cooked delicious noodles for you adoringly forever and he got along fantastically with your dad. I wanted Joon Gu’s noodle dream to have been realized.
6. Ryu Jin as Ji Seong Il in Baby Faced Beauty.MrJi

A handsome, rich guy, who shares your interests, whose little girl loves you, whose sister is a good friend – and you pick the guy who is 7 years younger than you with a overbearing dad? A guy moreover who is pressured into proposing because he is stubborn? Daniel Choi was cute and endearing as the lead here, but sign me up for Mr. Ji!
My K Drama friends tell me I have left out Kim Woo Bin as Choi Young-Do in the Heirs, but I think we all agree he needs to be saved for our favorite bad boy list.

Guy Candy – Lee Min Ho

My first introduction to Kdrama began with the show Boys over Flowers.  My heart was quickly stolen by Kim Hyun Joong,  he played the sweetest character ever.   However,  I was soon enthralled by the change taking place in the arrogant character of Goo Jun Pyo. His journey in that story is what kept me watching.   This character was beautifully played by actor Lee Min Ho.

Min Ho is a very good actor who is also an extremely beautiful man to me.   One of the benefits of being an older woman is that I’m long past the point of being obsessive in my fandom.  I get to appreciate the beauty that is a person without getting psycho about it.  (of course, that may be a matter of opinion. heh)

He’s played many characters, my favorites include his roles in City Hunter and Personal Taste.  I loved him in Faith, Heirs and BOF, but the first two were what made me fall in love with him.   I also love men who can wear grey/silver or who look great in long coats.   His character in Personal Taste  wore this type of clothing.  I just about died as he went from scene to scene wearing my favorite looks on a man.  He also wears a lot of long coats in City Hunter as well.   These pictures I’ve pulled them from the internet from various places.


Adorable man with an adorable baby, its a win win.

I’d go more into his acting skills, but this post is about eye candy.


Ah, a smile.   I melt for a good one.





To put it mildly, I don’t particular like angry music.  It can suit a mood now and again but for the most part, I like my music upbeat and fun.  This is why I love Asian pop music in general.   There is a group coming out of Japan that puts the fun in death metal.   I didn’t know you could that, but this is what happens when you mix 3 very cute little girls, Jpop and death metal.

I spent the first half of this video going “WTH?”.   Then I just had fun with it.


I Need Romance 3 – A Review

The third installment of the I Need Romance series ended this week.  I will be sad to see this particular storyline go.   I’m a sucker for narration.  I love to hear what people are thinking.   This is part of why I love reading so much.  Screenwriter  Jung Hyun Jung has really outdone themselves with this one.  The I Need Romance series have always been popular for their higher level of intimacy and relationship development.   While still really clean by American standards, for those Kdrama viewers who want real kiss scenes with some heat, this series delivers.

The story line follows a group of people in their 20’s and 30’s who work for a home shopping channel.   In the midst of trying to be successful at their jobs they cope with falling in and out of love,  betrayals and unexpected surprises.


Joo Wan , played by Sung Joon,  is a music producer who has been in love with the daughter of his nanny his whole life. Do to his mother moving to the States, he lost contact with Shin Joo Yun, nicknamed “Shing Shing” and has returned 17 years later for professional and personal reasons.   When he left, Shing Shing was warm, kind and his whole world.  On his return, he is less than pleased with the emotional state of the girl he’s never forgotten.


Shin Joo Yun, played by Kim So Yun,  is a  merchadise director for a home shopping channel.  She’s tough, focused, very good at her job and trusts absolutely nobody.   She was six years old when Wan came into her life and she was forced to help her mother take care of him.  She nicked named him “Sweet Potato” because she thought he was an ugly baby.   When our story starts, she is expecting her current boyfriend to propose to her and his way of “checking her feelings” leaves her cold and rejected.

When our Hero and Heroine meet for the first time,  she doesn’t recognize Wan for who he is.  He’s going by the American name of Allen Joo and while she finds him cute, he is confused and disturbed by her cold personality toward others.  He immediately starts his campaign to re-enter her life and she falls for him, however, he hasn’t yet told her who he really is.   When she finally finds out who he is… then the hard work begins.

3 other couples round out our cast.    We have the couple who is just starting out, the friends with benefits couple and the “I regret breaking up with you” couple.   To say that life doesn’t go as planned for any of our four couples is putting it mildly.

Noona romances are always fun to see for me.   Not because I have any particular cougar tendencies but because Korea is very structured in their personal relationships.  They have strong standards for manners between age groups, social classes,  and work relationships.   So to see the occasional series that challenges the status quo  is always fun.  Reading commentaries by local readers tend to be funny when certain situations outside the norm are presented.   The twenty year age gap between our main couple in The Prime Minister and I was another one where people may have felt uncomfortable.   I tend to forget ages when I’m watching these things.   The characters are usually such a good fit that I forget to care that there is something slightly taboo about the situation.

Being fantasy,  the writer tries to give us as many happy endings as she can and there was a realism to the 4 outcomes.  Not everybody lived happily ever after but those that did, it made sense for.  Those who did not, it also wasn’t farfetched why it didn’t work out.

Each episode explored a different dating idea.  The pros and cons of dating within that idea.   I thought this was imaginative and creative.  Without feeling campy, each idea was represented well in the natural lives of our characters.   As a single woman whose been divorced for ten years,  I really connected with the commentary that followed the actors.  The lessons learned, the thoughts remembered.  Loving someone  is not easy, sometimes brutal, but so worth the effort to figure out.

This was a really good romantic drama.  I think you will enjoy watching it.

I will leave you with my favorite quote from the whole thing.
